The Russian Fashion Blog How To Market To Russia’s Whoever

How To Market To Russia’s Whoever

I have just read this article How to Market to Russia’s Rich in Luxury Daily and my head almost exploded.

I’ll try to unwind by writing this post otherwise it will kill me.

1. Don’t let the title mislead you. The article is not about how to market to riches, it is about the state of social media in Russia.

2. “Facebook is not blocked in Russia as it is in China, therefore luxury brands can easily get a foot in the door with the common platform.”

Thanks for pointing that out, I would have never guessed (even if I weren’t Russian).

3. As the story unrolls, two more social media websites get mentioned – Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki.

I imagined a luxury brand on Odnoklassniki and almost fell off my chair laughing.

4. “Most of the Russian consumers who use Facebook do so because they have traveled abroad, attended a Western school…”

Well, if they had, they probably speak English well enough to be able to read a brand’s updates and like their page in English if they are interested. I’m not saying brands shouldn’t create a Russian version of their page, it is just a wrong reason why they should do it, in my opinion. Honestly, I think there is no other reason for doing that except just because.

If you still want to know how to market to Russians, Russian Fashion Marketing blog may be useful.

What do you think about the article? Please let me know.


  • sas-food import Armenia

    I like this article. Thanks

  • Sandy

    The title is misleading but the article itself is a good overview of the main social media properties

    • The Russian Fashion Blog

      Thanks for commenting! I appreciate your opinion.

  • Kaylneen

    It is the main tag of every post wherein every viewer use to base the contents of the articles and made primary visions and speculations. Anyway, they aren’t far from the reality of other countries social media campaign. Some countries develop that strategy too specially in Asia and Europe.  

    • The Russian Fashion Blog

      You are right.
      Well, I guess now when we found out what social networks they have in Russia, it is time for another article that will be more specific and actually reveal how Russians are different in terms of social networking.